White lions of chrace warhammer 2
White lions of chrace warhammer 2

white lions of chrace warhammer 2

Note that challenges can be issued and met as normal and if the character protected by Korhil is in a challenge, Korhil will not interfere and his special bodyguard rule does not apply. So long as the guarded character remains with the White Lions and stays next to Korhil then no enemy can attack the character – all attacks will be directed against Korhil instead. If several models are placed with the White Lions, declare which one Korhil is guarding at the start of the battle. Korhil can only act as a bodyguard to one model during the battle. If another character is positioned with the White Lions at the start of the battle, then the model must be placed next to Korhil, who will act as his bodyguard. Korhil is the Captain of the White Lions and so is deployed together with his unit of White Lions at the start of the battle. Such is the strength and precision of Korhil's blows that he has the Killing Blow special ability. To represent this, Korhil and the other White Lions suffer no movement penalties when moving through woods. All Chracians are expert woodsmen, their skills are equalled only by the Wood Elves of the Old World.

White lions of chrace warhammer 2